
Showing posts from May, 2024

5 Reasons why men always ask you for SEX

On to salubrityhub we feed you interesting tips on living a good and healthy life, including physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing. So let this post serve as a tip if you are wondering why men seem to always approach you for things like sex especially when you expect more from them. Many ladies are bothered that men who approach them more often than not, just want to ask for sex. Men will be men ;-), but not all men lack sexual control, so when it gets too much, you realize that it's time to do some introspection. The way some ladies complain that men are always asking them for sex is quite alarming 😤. Why sex? why not something somewhat more serious? Well, let's get into it, shall we? 1. It's probably your dress sense. Your dress is one of the most important things to look at, it says a lot about you, remember the popular saying "How you dress is how you're addressed" . Remember that men are moved by what they see, there's also a popular saying,

Home remedy for cough and catarrh in just ONE WEEK

Are you grappling with a persistent cough and stubborn catarrh that just won't quit? Fear not, for relief may be closer than you think.  The discomfort of incessant coughing cannot be overstated. Left untreated, it can pave the way for a host of respiratory ailments, from asthma to lung cancer, and even esophageal reflux. But amidst the chaos of modern medicine, sometimes the answer lies in the wisdom of age-old remedies. Enter the remedy – a concoction of nature's finest offerings: Miracle Leaf (Kalanchoe Pinnata) : Nature's healer, known for its remarkable properties in soothing respiratory discomfort. Garlic : A powerhouse of health benefits, revered for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. Honey : Liquid gold, not only for its sweetness but also for its soothing and antimicrobial qualities. Preparation: Begin by washing three miracle leaves with a gentle solution of salt and water, ensuring cleanliness and purity. Next, gently heat the leaves in a dry pan until t

Welcome to the Health spot for you 👌🏾

  Welcome to Salubrity Hub: Your Guide to a Healthier Life Welcome to Salubrity Hub, your go-to destination for all things health, wellness, and personal growth. At Salubrity Hub, we believe that true well-being encompasses not only physical health but also mental clarity, emotional balance, and spiritual fulfillment. In today's fast-paced world, prioritizing our health and well-being is more important than ever. With busy schedules, constant distractions, and the pressures of daily life, it's easy to neglect our own needs. That's where Salubrity Hub comes in. Our mission is to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration you need to live your healthiest, happiest life. Whether you're looking to improve your fitness, nourish your body with wholesome foods, cultivate mindfulness and inner peace, or explore holistic healing practices, we've got you covered. Through informative articles, practical tips, inspiring stories, and expert insights, we'll guide